The most complicated questions that I have been asked in my life are what is design? Is design a verb or a noun? Where did design come from? Although the questions seem to be simple, there is more then just a simple “yes” as an answer. Design is everything that we have in life. Design is everywhere we go. From the cups we drink water, or from the signs we see on the street. All of the things we have were design with a purpose. That is my reason why I think that design is both a noun and a verb. Design is a noun because designs are the ideas that were brought to life as products that we encounter in our every day life. Then design is a verb because design is the act of bringing does ideas to our world. Design is the things created by man that are expose to the world. In my opinion the word design is pretty complex to explain. In my design class I learn that that word design comes from the Greek word “ Oxedio”, meaning approximation and then that in Latin it means, “ to mark”. Having this two meanings in mind, I believe that design is the creaking your own mark, your own symbol, your own personality, and show it to the world in a piece of art or a product. Then the design is an approximation to out lives and something that will continue to exist forever. At the end every body has their own definition of design, but the end design will have the meaning of creating something in life.
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