Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Art, Day of the Dead, and contrast

Papel Picado...image from

For the Latin culture, November is the month to commemorate or honor the people that past away.  On November 2 , people celebrate what is called Dia de los muertos, Day of the Dead, and this celebration somehow makes me realize or analyze about how the art used in the Dia de los Muertos ceremonies can contrast some of the meanings and art forms use.  Many think that skulls and skeletons images can represent dead or something negative, but in Latin America does imagines contrast what the meaning of the skulls or skeletons can have. In the day of the dead the skulls can be shown in away that can have a meaning of celebration.  The images used in the ceremony can contradict the meaning some people can have about dead. In the Day of the Dead, people are celebrating and honoring the people that are resting and past way, and art show that celebrations. For example, in this paper art called Papel Picado,  paper that is cut in different images , can show the skulls and other images that can contradict all the fear people have to dead. So the way images are made can have a contrast or a different meaning to what symbols can represent in other cultures. Therefore, images can contrast some of the meanings people have, and to what the real message the art piece is trying to demonstrate.

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