Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CFL Light Bulbs a design that benefits Society

CFL Light Bulb from

Design is what makes products to be a reality. Designers are the people responsible for creating new products and design products that are beneficial to society and the world. The new designs need to be helpful not only to society, but also to the environment because we live in this world so we need to create products that are not harmful to our world. One of the Designs that benefit our society is the CFL light bulb. The CFL light bulb is design that benefits society because a light bulb that helps humans to save energy and they are more efficient.  One CFL light bulb only use 33 percent of energy compared to a normal light bulb.  This new design is beneficial because by using the CFL lights we can reduce the amount of light bulbs use in the world because the CFL last longer.  Not only they help the environment by reducing waste, but also they help use to not warming up rooms or anything that use bulbs. Normal light bulbs create heat, that can sometimes catch stuff on fire, but in the CFL light bulb can come handy because they are better because the CLF doesn’t produce as much heat as a normal light bulb. Reducing the heat people can safe energy, but also the risk of things catching on fire also decreases.  This magnificent design benefits humans by the efficiency it provides to humans, also the light quality that provides to people, and the great help it gives to the environment.

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